Mini Piling, 168mm ODEX Piles, Whitestrand Avenue, Galway
TAL were involved in the installation of 168mm ODEX cased piles with a rock socket for an extension to the above property.
Mini Piling, 168mm ODEX Piles
There was 13 piles installed with 2 of these dynamically load tested seven days after installation.
168mm ODEX Piles Ceanncora Lawn, Boreenmanna Road, Cork
TAL were involved with the main contractor Carrigbel Construction in the installation of 14 number piles on site for this new build.
TAL Construction
TAL installed 168mm ODEX piles including a rock socket at 14 number locations on site.
On completing the piles there were two piles dynamically tested to prove the loads.
ODEX Piles
168mm ODEX Piles @ Castleknock Hotel Extension
TAL were involved with proposing a pile system to the job engineers in the pre-construction submittal.
168mm ODEX
Once this was completed TAl were successful in the tendering process for the Main contractor. The system here was a 168mm ODEX cased pile down onto rock and a rock socket installed for a minimum of 2m.
168mm ODEX
Testing was completed on site on four piles and this confirmed the loads that were required on site.